Great Migrations. Software Translation Technologies
CALL US: 614.434.6441
Discover the Smarter Way to Upgrade
We offer the Fastest & Most Flexible


Great Migrations helps teams preserve and enhance business-critical systems.
Our advanced software re-engineering tools and agile methodology can help you upgrade your VB6 and ASP classic systems for C# and VB.NET.

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The Great Migrations Team

Migration is our Passion

We are passionate about helping clients preserve and modernize their software assets. Our primary focus since 1982 has been computer language processing and translation.

Mark Juras

Mark is the founder and managing partner of Great Migrations. He has over 36 years of experience in software development, consulting and corporate IT. Prior to starting Great Migrations, Mark was System Architecture Manager at BMW Financial Services where he led their massive VB6 to .NET migration effort using the tool-assisted rewrite methodology. Mark provides overall business vision and guide the development and commercialization of the Great Migrations technology platform. Mark is the primary point of contact for all VB6/ASP/COM to .NET upgrade tools and services.

Fred Goodman

Fred is a senior partner at Great Migrations. He is a grand master developer with more than 51 years of system programming experience specializing in the fields of compiler design, software translation, and high-performance data systems. Prior to joining Great Migrations in 2007, Fred was Chief Technical Officer of Promula Development Corporation. He provides overall technical leadership for Great Migrations.

George Juras

George is a senior partner at Great Migrations. He has more than 51 years of systems engineering and project management experience in all aspects of software development, sales and support. Prior to joining Great Migrations in 2007, George was President of Promula Development Corporation. George is the primary point of contact for all FORTRAN-to-C translation tools and services. He supports the business development of Great Migrations.

Our Clients and Partners

We offer our tools for self-service use by technical consultants and by clients directly. We appreciate your experience with your systems and we respect your objectives for each upgrade effort. We welcome any opportunity to collaborate with you in completing a project.

We are passionate about helping clients preserve and modernize their software assets with software migration since 1982.

We offer powerful system re-engineering tools and methods to help you develop custom upgrade solutions.

We provide the products, services, and expertise to help clients meet the challenges of their software migration needs.

Our proven software analysis offerings enable customers to more accurately assess and plan ambitious upgrade efforts.

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Great Migrations is a Microsoft Certified Partner